💎 Digital Gems
- More often than not, we know what’s not in our best interest. But we choose to avoid those red flags. And go ahead with the wrong choice. We just need a little reminder.
- Do the hard thing. Rip the bandaid off.
- Take the stairs. Staying active is the smarter choice.
- Learning is not only about breadth, it’s about depth. Stop looking for shortcuts.
- Stick to your values. It’ll make you feel better about yourself.
“The Universe is under no obligation to make sense to you.” — Neil deGrasse Tyson
🤩 Defensive CSS - A collection of snippets that helps us in writing CSS which is protected. An article I read, re-read and re-re-read again and again.
"Amidst the world that reveres fickleness, find yourself in absoluteness."
Practice Analytically, Perform Intuitively - "The motto for improving at just about every skill. When you're away from the practice, study it obsessively. Break it down and explore the nuances of the craft. Once it's time to perform, put all the thinking away and let the wisdom of intuition guide you. "
"When working with people, assume good intentions. When listening to people, interpret their words in a generous way. You will occasionally get burned and mistreated by always assuming the best in others, but it is a far better way to live than the opposite."